Life is often filled many busy moments and sometimes all you want is a little Zen in your life! Well you’ve come to the right place. Today I am going to show you how to make your very on simple and easy Zen Garden!

This might not solve all your calming needs but I hope that it will at least aid in adding some tranquility to your life.

Lets get started!!

Materials you will need:

A live small cactus plant of your choice.

Colorful Sand (This can be purchased from your local craft store). I choose a bold pink.

A glass bowl or container ( I purchased a round adjacent glass container to add a more modern affect)


Place the potted cactus plant into the Jar in you preferred location (Side of Jar, Middle, etc. I placed my plant in the top corner of the jar, slightly towards the middle)Take the Colorful sand and began emptying the container of sand into the jar around the cactus plant. You can add as much sand as you desire. After that is finished, You are Finished! Can you believe it! Fastest DIY EVER! lol

You are now free to draw lines in sand with your fingers or just play in the sand. As a Play Therapist I do believe sand can be therapeutic it can help your brain practice mindfulness. You can make this a mindfulness activity by focusing on how the sand feels on and between your fingers, the movements of your fingers, and drawing lines and or shapes in the sand, paying attention to movement and feeling. This activity can aid in helping your body calm naturally. Sand has so many other therapeutic values but we will save that for another time!


Hope you enjoyed this simple but fun DIY!

I Look forward to hearing all about it once its complete!

I would love to know, How have you practiced Mindfulness today?